Trade Consulting Practice Areas and Business Sectors

Through our global offices, TransLegal provides tailored services and strategic solutions to international legal, regulatory and commercial issues.

To help your business execute a successful market entry strategy overseas, our expert teams address all aspects of how to operate in a foreign market efficiently, easily and profitably. Learn how TransLegal helps clients across the globe with legal and regulatory issues, market entry strategies and general representation. Below are some of our practice areas and the business sectors we represent, separated by geographic location.


Agency & Distributorship

Saudi Arabia: Examine Saudi law regulating distributorship and agency agreements


Agriculture & Organics

Agriculture & Agricultural Products

Brazil: Translegal international trade lawyers in Brazil obtain exemption from GM registration requirement from CTNBio for product to induce early flowering in plants / crops

Canada: Engage Government of Canada to confirm TransLegal position that Convention on Biological Diversity and domestic Canadian laws on benefit sharing were inapplicable to client’s circumstances and to its planned global commercialization of agricultural product developed from microbes collected in Canada 

Chile: Research laws governing importation, labeling requirements and use of agricultural liming agents

Colombia: Provide trade consulting for a micro coffee producer related to negotiation of production agreement with multinational coffee distributor

Agricultural Pesticides

Brazil, Canada, Mexico: TransLegal's in-country trade lawyers register post-harvest agricultural pesticide

Chile, Peru, South Korea: Analyze the laws and regulations governing importation, labeling and use of agricultural pesticides

Mexico: Our international trade lawyers in Mexico analyze the laws and regulations governing the importation of agricultural pesticides into Mexico for greenhouse and field testing, including discussions with representatives of the Secretariats of Agriculture and the Environment and identification of accredited testing laboratories in-country


Animal Feed, Feed Additives & Supplements

Argentina: Register biomass resulting from a genetically modified organism for use as animal feed additive 

Bolivia: Trade lawyers specialized in animal feed prepare distribution agreement for ingredients and additives to be used in the production of feed and domestic pet food, including related product registration

Brazil, Chile, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Russia and Uruguay: Register feed additives and supplements

Brazil: TransLegal’s in-country international lawyers establish Brazilian subsidiary of foreign animal feed producer, including: identification of appropriate local entity structure; foreign investment registration; obtaining applicable corporate and facility permits, licenses and approvals at the federal, state and municipal levels; obtaining product approvals from MAPA; and identification of tax and banking requirements, specifically for repatriation of profits

Brazil: Research requirements to obtain authorization to sell DHA from non-traditional source as a feed additive

Dominican Republic, Egypt: Review animal feed labels for compliance with local laws

Russia: Our Russian team of  trade lawyers register animal feed supplements with GMO content. Project ongoing 06/2021



Colombia: Commercial consultants specializing in bankruptcy assist with procedures for foreign creditor to file claims


Bioengineering & Biotechnology

Agricultural Products

Brazil: Obtain exemption from GM registration requirement for product to induce early flowering from CTNBio

Animal Feed

Argentina: Register biomass resulting from a genetically modified organism for use as animal feed additive

Russia: TransLegal's in-country experts register feed additives with GMO content. Project ongoing 06/2021

Foods & Food Additives

Brazil: Research registration and labeling requirements for GM-derived foods for human consumption

Brazil, Mexico: Develop arguments and strategy to obtain approval of steviol glycoside sweetener derived by fermentation of bioengineered yeast

Mexico: Obtain COFEPRIS registration for genetically modified organism as source of table and cooking oil

Industrial Use

Brazil, Chile, Colombia: Research requirements to import genetically modified organisms for industrial use purposes

India: Obtain an opinion from the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) of India confirming that a client’s product, manufactured using a genetically modified organism, did not require special import authorizations


Biodiversity & Bioprospecting

In seven countries, TransLegal's in-country bioprospecting lawyers compile national legislation implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity and determine requirements for obtaining state authorization to bioprospect in the national territory, benefit sharing under the Nagoya Protocol, the transfer ownership and the exportation of genetic material, including meetings with corresponding Ministry officials and review of draft mutual transfer agreements with private parties to ensure compliance with local law

Canada: Engage Government of Canada to confirm TransLegal position that Convention on Biological Diversity and domestic Canadian laws on benefit sharing were inapplicable to client’s circumstances and to its planned global commercialization of agricultural product developed from microbes collected in Canada

In three jurisdictions, TransLegal international trade lawyers negotiate terms to collect genetic patrimony from El Salvador under Conventional for Biological Diversity, including benefit sharing under the Nagoya Protocol



Colombia: Cannabis compliance lawyers in Colombia conduct due diligence and investigate bone fides of grower of medical marijuana and producer of medical marijuana products on behalf of US-based agricultural equipment manufacturer concerned about compliance with Colombian and US laws and potential liability



Agricultural Pesticides

Chile, Peru, South Korea: TransLegal international trade and compliance consultants analyze laws and regulations governing importation, labeling and use of agricultural pesticides

Mexico: Analyze laws and regulations governing importation of pesticides into Mexico for greenhouse and field testing, including discussions with representatives of the Secretariats of Agriculture and the Environment and identification of accredited testing laboratories in Mexico

Biocides & Pesticides

Chile: TransLegal's in-country international compliance lawyers register chemical additives and fungicides used to treat wood for construction

Mexico: Register biocides for importation into Mexico and domestic production / commercialization in Mexico

Mexico: TransLegal international trade lawyers register biocides for production in Mexico for the export market (no in-country commercialization)

South Korea: Research biocides allowed for use in household products

Food Contact

Argentina: Assist major US manufacturer obtain approval in Argentina for polymers and dyes used in reusable water bottles for children and adults

Government Procurement

Mexico: TransLegal international trade consultants identify government procurement contracts (federal and state) for controlling algae blooms in drinking water reservoirs and assisting with applying for such contracts

Hazardous Substances

Brazil: Research Brazilian rules and regulations governing the transportation of hazardous materials by land, air and in-land waters

Brazil, Pakistan: TransLegal's in-country trade and commercial lawyers research laws related to mining and use of asbestos, including OSHA-related, personal injury and product liability issues.

Brazil, Korea: Review laws implementing the GHS and advise on requirements for labeling and safety data sheets

Household Cleaners

Aruba, Barbados, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Trinidad & Tobago, US Virgin Islands: Research registration requirements for household cleaners


Corporate & Commercial

Distribution Agreements

Bolivia: Prepare distribution agreement for ingredients and additives to be used in the production of animal feed and domestic pet food, including related product registration

Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Peru: Advise client concerning negotiation of distribution agreement for animal feed supplements

Dominican Republic: TransLegal's in-country lawyers advise multinational concerning distributor protection laws

Iceland: Prepare distribution agreement for exporter of Icelandic handicrafts

Due Diligence

Azerbaijan: Conduct due diligence on in-country sub-contractors for US-based company submitting a bid on a government contract to build highway traversing Azerbaijan

Brazil, Mexico: TransLegal's in-country international lawyers research regulatory implications resulting from purchase of chemical-production plant, including verification of compliance with product registration and labeling regulations and need to obtain new operating permits and other authorizations

Colombia: TransLegal international lawyers conduct due diligence and investigate bone fides of grower of medical marijuana and producer of medical marijuana products on behalf of US-based agricultural equipment manufacturer concerned about compliance with Colombian and US laws and potential liability

Foreign Subsidiaries

Brazil: Create subsidiary of international animal feed and feed supplement producer, including advising concerning type of entity, creation of subsidiary, preparation of office and warehouse space lease agreements, advising concerning potential labor law issues

Mexico, Vietnam: TransLegal's in-country international lawyers create subsidiary of international food additive producer, including: identification of appropriate local entity structure; foreign investment registration; obtaining applicable corporate and facility permits, licenses and approvals at the federal, state and municipal levels; obtaining product approvals from applicable authorities; reviewing office and warehouse space lease agreements; and advising concerning potential labor law issues


Qatar: TransLegal market entry strategy consultants in Qatar qualify a United States entity to do business in Qatar, including all registration and local representative requirements

Trinidad & Tobago: Review contracts between a US company and Trinidanian parties to assure compliance with local law

Government Relations

Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico: Research legislation governing lobbying activities by foreign entities


Brazil, United States: Consult on enforcement of judgment rendered by Brazilian court in the United States

Colombia: TransLegal's in-country team of attorneys consult concerning possible breach of contract claim related to sale of real property later expropriated by Colombian government

Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico: Litigation consultants on civil / commercial case involving wrongful termination of distributor by US multinational

Italy, Panama, Venezuela: TransLegal international litigation lawyers advise Panamanian company concerning breach of contract remedies against an Italian prime contractor related to a government contract in Venezuela

United States, Venezuela: Litigation consultant on civil / commercial case involving release of assets of Venezuelan entity attached by New York State court pending final resolution of related lawsuit in Venezuela




Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Mexico: Review laws governing permissible ingredients for cosmetic and personal hygiene products


Argentina, Brazil, Colombia: TransLegal international trade consultants create common product label for additive used in cosmetics for Argentine, Brazilian and Colombian markets

Brazil, Mexico: Research rules governing health claims for cosmetics


Estates & Trusts

Lebanon: Assist US-heirs of Lebanese national with estate issues related to real property owned by decedent in Lebanon, including qualification of heirs by religious court



Bioengineered Foods and Food Additives

Brazil: TransLegal international trade consultants research registration and labeling requirements for GM-derived foods

Brazil, Mexico: TransLegal's in-country international trade lawyers specialized in bioengineering develop arguments and strategy to obtain approval of steviol glycoside sweetener derived by fermentation of bioengineered yeast

Mexico: Obtain COFEPRIS registration for genetically modified organism as source of table and cooking oil

Codex Committee on Food Additives (CCFA) (Host Country: China)

CCFA: Formulate and execute strategy to obtain expansion of functional classes and food categories for constituent chemicals of glazing agents

Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico: Research legislation governing lobbying activities by foreign entities

Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mexico, Peru, South Africa and Uganda: TransLegal government relations team engage sanitary authority to support proposal to expand the food categories and functional classes of specific food additives at the 2018 and 2019 Codex Alimentarius Food Additives Committee (CCFA50 and CCFA51)

CCFA: Advise developer of a new colorant (blue) for use in foods and confectionary concerning CCFA approval process

CCFA: Advise producer of plant-based meat-substitute concerning CCFA approval process

Enzymes and Processing Aids

Brazil, Mexico: TransLegal international trade consultants register enzymes as processing aids

Mexico: Research laws governing importation of bacteria for use in the production of bread improvers

Food Additives

Brazil: Research requirements to obtain authorization to sell DHA from non-traditional source as a food additive

Brazil, Colombia, Ghana, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria: TransLegal's in-country international trade lawyers research requirements to register new additive for distilled liquors

Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Japan, Djibouti, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, UAE, Vietnam: TransLegal international trade consultants determine regulatory status of constituent chemicals of a glazing agent for fresh fruits and vegetables and process to obtain required regulatory approvals

Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, Vietnam: Obtain authorization to import and commercialize glazing agent for fresh fruits and vegetables

Egypt: Research laws on registration of food additives to be used in the production of food solely meant for the export market

Food Contact

Argentina: Obtain approval for polymers and dyes used in reusable water bottles for children and adults

Brazil, Mexico: TransLegal international trade consultants research registration requirements for indirect food contact chemicals

Food Labeling

Argentina, Brazil, Colombia: TransLegal commercial consultants create common product label for food additive for Argentine, Brazilian and Colombian markets

Brazil: Research labeling requirements for fruit-flavored drinks

Brazil: Review proposed label for packaged fresh produce product to be sold directly to consumer

Brazil: Research registration and labeling requirements for GM-derived foods

Brazil: Assist US food manufacturer clear goods detained by Brazilian customs / health authorities for non-compliance with labeling regulations; create a compliant label

Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico: Research legislation governing lobbying activities by foreign entities

Mexico: TransLegal team of government relations specialists assist food producer engage the Government of Mexico with regard to proposed amendments to the country’s labeling requirements for pre-packaged foods and non-alcoholic beverages (NOM-51-SCFI/SSA1-2010)

Colombia, Dominican Republic and Philippines: TransLegal international trade lawyers research allergen labeling requirements for foods and product recall requirements for products potentially contaminated with known allergen

India: Analyze the laws and regulations of India governing the use of the vegetarian symbol (VEG) on food and food ingredient labels, including discussions with representatives of the Food Safety and Standards Authority

Mexico: Research warning label requirements for artificial sweeteners for human consumption

Food Recalls

Mexico: TransLegal's in-country international trade lawyers assist a multinational food company with a voluntary food recall resulting from a mislabeled product, including disclosure to applicable government health and consumer protection authorities, coordinating potential health impact for consumers, pulling product off store shelves, public disclosure and negotiation of fines

Colombia, Dominican Republic and Philippines: Research allergen labeling requirements for foods and product recall requirements for products potentially contaminated with known allergen

Novel Foods

Brazil: Review laws governing the importation of novel foods

Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, India, Panama and Paraguay: TransLegal's in-country team of international trade lawyers assist producer of protein derived from fungus develop a strategic plan to obtain approval as a novel food


Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela: Research laws related to the registration and importation of artificial sweeteners produced by genetically modified organisms

Mexico: Research warning label requirements for artificial sweeteners


Foreign Investment

Brazil: TransLegal's in-country foreign investment attorneys create subsidiary of foreign animal feed and feed supplement producer, including advising concerning type of entity, creation of subsidiary, preparation of office and warehouse space lease agreements, advising concerning potential labor law issues

India: Consult on market entry strategy in India for group of investors competing for the exclusive franchise to establish a US food retail brand in India, including preparation of business plan and follow-up reports; demographic and market studies; financial projections, identification of partners in India and analysis of Indian laws concerning foreign investment, repatriation of capital and taxation

Mexico, Vietnam: Create subsidiary of international food additive producer, including: identification of appropriate local entity structure; foreign investment registration; obtaining applicable corporate and facility permits, licenses and approvals at the federal, state and municipal levels; obtaining product approvals from applicable authorities; reviewing office and warehouse space lease agreements; and advising concerning potential labor law issues


Government Procurement

Azerbaijan: TransLegal government procurement attorneys act as consultant to Washington, DC-based law firm to negotiate and structure a contract for the construction of a 4-lane highway to traverse the Republic of Azerbaijan. Trade consulting services included: reviewing financing applications and conditions from a team of banks headed by Societe Generale; reviewing loan guarantee conditions / provisions from the United States Export-Import Bank; negotiating specific conditions to the standard FIDIC international construction contract that were ultimately executed between the Ministry of Transport of Azerbaijan and the prime contractor, a U.S. entity; negotiating contracts between the prime contractor and Azeri sub-contractors; developing comprehensive Foreign Corrupt Practices Act guidelines for the prime and all sub-contractors; structuring accounting practices to comply with U.S. and Azeri GAAP rules as well as Ex-Im Bank reporting requirements; meeting with the Ambassador of Azerbaijan to the United States; meeting with the representatives of the United States Departments of Commerce, State and Export-Import Bank; obtain letters of support for the project from U.S. Secretary of Commerce Locke and Senator Mark Warner of Virginia

Italy, Panama, Venezuela: Advise Panamanian company concerning breach of contract remedies against an Italian prime contractor related to a government contract in Venezuela

Mexico: TransLegal government relations experts identify government procurement contracts (federal and state) in Mexico for controlling algae blooms in drinking water reservoirs and assisting with applying for such contracts


Government Relations

Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico: Research legislation governing lobbying activities by foreign entities

Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay: TransLegal international government relations specialists engage sanitary authority to support modification of Mercosur legislation related to use of enzymes in production of UHT milk

Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico: Research legislation governing lobbying activities by foreign entities

Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mexico, Peru, South Africa and Uganda: TransLegal government relations specialists engage sanitary authority to support proposal to expand the food categories and functional classes of specific food additives at the 2018 and 2019 Codex Alimentarius Food Additives Committee (CCFA50 and CCFA51)

Mexico: Assist producer of confectionary goods engage the Government of Mexico with regard to proposed amendments to the country’s labeling requirements for pre-packaged foods and non-alcoholic beverages (NOM 51 SCFI/SSA1 2010)


International Trade

Canada, Mexico: International trade consultants in Canada and Mexico advise concerning harmonization of antidumping duty laws for North America


Litigation & Alternative Dispute Resolution

Brazil, United States: Consult on enforcement of judgment rendered by Brazilian court in the United States

Colombia: TransLegal's in-country international attorneys advise concerning possible breach of contract claim related to sale of real property later expropriated by Colombian government

Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico: Litigation consultants on civil / commercial case involving wrongful termination of distributor by US multinational

Italy, Panama, Venezuela: Advise Panamanian company concerning breach of contract remedies against an Italian prime contractor related to a government contract in Venezuela

United States: TransLegal alternative dispute resolution consultants represent claimant during mediation with the World Bank related to unjust enrichment claim

United States, Venezuela: Litigation consultant on civil / commercial case involving release of assets of Venezuelan entity attached by New York State court pending final resolution of related lawsuit in Venezuela


Nutritional & Dietary Supplements

Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Peru: Review laws governing importation, registration and labeling of nutritional and dietary supplements

Brazil: Research requirements to obtain authorization to sell DHA from non-traditional source as a dietary supplement

Mexico: TransLegal international trade consultants review and revise labels for dietary supplement products (bars / shakes) to be exported to Mexico; obtain confirmation from COFEPRIS that labels were compliant


Oil & Gas

Mexico: Research requirements for use of algae-based friction inhibitor / lubricant in oil rig wells



Clinical Trials

Philippines: Advise client on laws and regulations governing human clinical trials in the Philippines and the importation of drugs to be used in human clinical trial studies and identifying companies authorized by the Bureau of Food and Drugs to import drugs


Argentine, Brazil, Colombia: Create common product label for additive used in pharma sector for Argentine, Brazilian and Colombian markets


Telecomm & Technology

Dominican Republic: Research privacy and data storage regulations applicable to banks and financial institutions

Dominican Republic: Prepare representation agreement for US-based provider of cloud services.

Honduras: Research rules governing on-line solicitation of donations

Panama: TransLegal's in-country international attorneys research privacy and data storage regulations applicable to banks and financial institutions



Nigeria: Research regulations governing the importation and sale of cigarettes



Azerbaijan: TransLegal's in-country team assisted a US-based company bid on a project to build a 4-lane highway from the Azerbaijan border with Georgia to Baku

Brazil: Research Brazilian rules and regulations governing the transportation of hazardous materials by land, air and in-land waters



Dominican Republic, United States: Registration in US of trademark of Dominican Republic-based restaurant chain and food producer

Spain: Coordinate opposition to registration of competing and confusing trademark

United Kingdom, United States: Market entry strategy for UK-based snack foods producer, including registration in US of trademark

Brazil, Paraguay: Registration in Paraguay of trademarks of Brazilian animal feed producer